Component Design Verification and Modification of Double Roller Ginning Machine
S. R. Motghare, J. A. Mansuri, K. S. Rambhad
Volume 1: Issue 4, Dec 2014, pp 219-223
Author's Information
S. R. Motghare1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
J. A. Mansuri2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
K. S. Rambhad3
3Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
Ginning is an energy intensive process. This paper evaluates the energy usage inside cotton gins. The main objective of present research work was to design and develop a modified double roller gin that had a higher ginning rate, less oil and grease contamination to lint and comparatively budgeting cost. Detail design study revealed that present Double Roller (DR) Gin carries several drawbacks. In order to remove these drawbacks conceptual modified models of DR gin were designed using Pro-E software. Best design of modified DR gin found to be simple in operation, energy efficient, requires minimum operational cost, and consumes less spares. Saving in cost compare to present DR Gin machine keeping in the mind of output. This modified design minimized lubricating points and application of grease. This design facilitates precise control over roller pressure. Machine manufacturing is very easy. This machine is very sturdy and operator friendly..Index Terms:-
Impact socket, static loading, stresses, finite element analysisREFERENCES
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