Finite Element Analysis of Impact Socket Used In Hydraulic Torque Wrench
Vinay L. Jiwtode, Laukik P. Raut
Volume 1: Issue 4, Dec 2014, pp 215-218
Author's Information
Vinay L. Jiwtode1
Corresponding Author
1M. Tech. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
Laukik P. Raut2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
In this study, the failure of impact socket has been selected as investigation topic in Minar hydrosystems private limited, Nagpur. It essentially focuses on stress analysis. Minar Hydrosystems Private Limited is leading manufacturing and supplier of hydraulic tools. Impact socket is a tool designed to exert a torque on a fastener to achieve proper tightening or loosening of a connection. The problem identified here is the failure of male hex end of impact socket. Some of the impact socket observed wear of corners of male hex. The impact socket failed due to torsional loading which causes for shear failure. The analysis has been carried out for static loading. Finite element analysis revealed that the stresses acting at failure region are exceeding the yield stress value. A 3D modeling software Cero 1.0 is used to prepare a CAD model of impact socket and evaluate the results in the form of stresses by applying calculated loads in the finite element analysis software ANSYS 12.0..Index Terms:-
Impact socket, static loading, stresses, finite element analysisREFERENCES
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