Analytical Study of Gas Turbine Combustor
Dhanre U. T., Bhele S. K.
Volume 1: Issue 4, Dec 2014, pp 198-203
Author's Information
Dhanre U. T.1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering, Kavi Kulguru Institute of Technology and Science, Ramtek, Maharashtra, India.
Bhele S. K.2
2Mechanical Engineering, Kavi Kulguru Institute of Technology and Science, Ramtek, Maharashtra, India.
The primary purpose of this study is to discuss the main requirements of gas turbine combustors in industrial engines. The principal geometric and aerodynamic features that are common to most types of gas turbine combustors are briefly reviewed. Reference is made to most of the key issues involved in combustor design and development. In this project, analytical formulae described by various researchers are studied and also their parametric study on the design of combustor is discussed in this report. The various combustor components such as diffuser, swirler, combustor liner, combustor casing and different zones are systematically designed and c-programming is provided for quick access of the design parameters. Manual calculations are somewhat tedious, so in order to save time and money this attempt is made. A technical discussion on combustor design procedure by using C programming is provided..Index Terms:-
Combustor, Reference Area, Diffuser, Swirler, Liner, Liner holes.REFERENCES
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