Magnetic Refrigeration: The Modern Refrigeration Technique- A Review
Pranav Pachpande and S. A. Karve
Volume 7: Issue 1, April 2020, pp 1-8
Author's Information
Pranav Pachpande1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
S. A. Karve2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
This paper involves the information about type of newly refrigeration. The aim of this study is to give the working principle, operating cycle of the cooling due to the magnetic field. The aim behind the cooling effect is Magneto-Caloric effect MCE. According to this effect when magnetic material like gadolinium is subjected to field developed due to the magnet, temperature of that material increases and when source to develop the magnetic field is removed it returns to its normal temperature. The cooling effect caused uses the magnetic effect in the various ways. Gadolinium is kept as it will pass through magnetic field. As it transfers through the magnetic field the gadolinium heats up as it enters the magneto-caloric effect. There is need to circulate the cooled water to remove the heat out of the metal when it is in magnetic field. As the material lives the source of field, the materials decreases its temperature down its original temperature as the result of magnetic effect. Then this cold gadolinium is used to remove the heat from the refrigerator coils.Index Terms:-
Magnetic refrigeration, regenerator, magnetic field, gadolinium.REFERENCES
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