An Encrypting Electronic Payments Based on Kerberos Cryptography Protocol
Hasan Abdal-Azal Abdulrazzaq Alsaiqal
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 5: Issue
3, September 2024, pp 90-97
Author's Information
Hasan Abdal-Azal Abdulrazzaq Alsaiqal 1
Corresponding Author
1Ministry of Finance, Iraq
At present, the prevalence of mobile phones in the country and the availability of capabilities such as encryption, key generation, and authentication present an appropriate opportunity for a variety of payment platforms. The preparation of equipment and a comprehension of the technical possibilities and difficulties in this field are necessary to achieve this capability. This paper introduces a secure electronic payment system that utilizes the Kerberos cryptography protocol to guarantee authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. The system ensures secure transactions between users and merchants by utilizing the ticket-granting mechanisms of Kerberos and symmetric key encryption. It mitigates the risk of unauthorized access and fraud by guaranteeing that all parties are authenticated prior to the exchange of any payment information. This method addresses critical challenges in the digital financial environments of today by improving the trust and privacy of electronic payments. The proposed model effectively safeguards sensitive financial data while simultaneously ensuring user convenience. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method maintains robust security characteristics while simultaneously achieving high quality and low computing complexity.Index Terms:-
Mobile; Kerberos; Electronic Payments; Authentication; CryptographicREFERENCES
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