Embedded Reversibility Data in an Encrypted Photograph: A Case Study
Habeeb Noori Jumaah
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 5: Issue 3, September 2024, pp 73-79
Author's Information
Habeeb Noori Jumaah 1
Corresponding Author
1University of Telafer, Tal Afar, Iraq
Multimedia data protection has grown in importance over the past few years. Data concealing methods or encryption can be used to accomplish this. Data compression is required to minimize transmission time; however, combining data compression, encryption, and data concealing in one step presents a new difficulty. Few methods for combining picture compression and encryption have been put forth. Currently, data embedding in encrypted pictures is a hurdle. Standard data hiding strategies are inapplicable for encrypted images as their entropy is maximum since the embedding stage is regarded as noise. This research provides a new approach to reversible data embedding in encrypted photos that preserves picture quality while guaranteeing data security. Three primary stages make up the proposed scheme: data embedding, picture recovery/extraction, and image encryption. The suggested method achieves good picture quality and low computing complexity while retaining strong security characteristics, as shown by the experimental findings. This method works especially well for applications like digital forensics, medical imaging, and secure communications that need to hide data securely and reversibly.Index Terms:-
Image encryption; Recovery of Photograph; Reversible data hidingREFERENCES
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