Modelling WhatsApp Traffic Control Time-Based (WTCTB) for 5G Mobile Network
Mohammed Khudhair Abbas
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 4, October 2023, pp 110-118
Author's Information
Mohammed Khudhair Abbas
Corresponding Author
Department of Mobile Communications and Computing Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Information Technology and Communications, Baghdad, Iraq
Utilizing of the WhatsApp application in recent years, especially in the last ten years, is an increasing use and the way it is exponentially increasing. With the development of mobile phone generations and what the fifth generation technology (5G) is looking forward to, it become necessary to have a mechanism that controls the traffic in the WhatsApp application in the fifth generation technology (5G). In this article, a model called WhatsApp Traffic Control Time-Based (WTCTB) was proposed, which synchronizes with WhatsApp usage times and reduces traffic in secondary-priority applications as well as saving time consumption for traffic flow in addition to saving energy consumption in the phone battery in the sixth generation mobile networks. WhatsApp application is normally consuming more than 40% in almost smart phones of their battery energy, the proposed model WTCTB is reducing this consuming rate to be 35%.Index Terms:-
WhatsApp, traffic control, traffic flow, 5G, battery energyREFERENCES
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