Dependability is Measured with Soft Error Caused Exceptions on the Arm Cortex-A9 CPU
Zaidoon Khalaf Mahmood
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 4, October 2023, pp 100-109
Author's Information
Zaidoon Khalaf Mahmood
Corresponding Author
University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
In embedded systems, ARM processors are the market leaders, offering high-performance computation, low power consumption, and low cost. As a result, there is a lot of excitement about its potential in the aerospace business. The Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA features dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 hard-core processors. are protected from soft failures thanks to a lockstep technique described in this study. The lockstep is an error detection and righting system that is based on both hardware and software. At the software level, it uses checkpoints and rollback methods. On the hardware level, checker circuits and processor replication are also included. The proposed method demonstrates how to execute the plan successfully in two core processors to improve system stability in radiation environments. The results reveal a link between the size of the application and the checkpoint and rollback strategies in terms of usability overhead. as well as a dependence on the number of checkpoints.Index Terms:-
ARM, embedded processors reliability, Exceptions, Radiation effects, Fault injectionREFERENCES
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