Software Defined Networking Towards 5G Network
Abhita Gokhale, Labdhi Gada, Kolambi Narula, Amol Jogalekar
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 3, July-September 2023, pp 68-77
Author's Information
Abhita Gokhale 1
Corresponding Author
1Dept. of Computer Science, Mithibai College of Arts , Chauhan Institute of Science and Amruthben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai University Mumbai, India.
Labdhi Gada2, Kolambi Narula2, Amol Jogalekar2, 2
2Dept. of Computer Science, Mithibai College of Arts , Chauhan Institute of Science and Amruthben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai University Mumbai, India.
With increased importance of mobile networks and their expected ability to be user-centric puts strain on the current mobile networks. To tackle this, 5G networks will be used which offers user-oriented operation at effective costs with excellent infrastructure capabilities which can deal with heavy network traffic. Along with this, 5G networks will be useful in varied fields - from business use cases to medical ones. SDN technology has certain components which can be integrated with the 5G network following proper analysis and after realizing its proper applicability. The 5G network coupled with SDN will bring out some outstanding innovations in the network and its infrastructure. Leveraging SDN and NFV architecture as well as technology to build effective 5G networks is highlighted in this paper. SDN simplifies the network complexity because of its existing framework which suits the network framework in discussion. This paper summarizes the different approaches taken to achieve the above said aim. The primary focus remains using SDN for 5G networks and utilizing related technologies to get the best result.Index Terms:-
Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 5G, Mobile NetworksREFERENCES
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