The Use of Cloud Computing to Process Big Data: An Applied Study of the Virtual Library at the University of Mosul

Ibtisam Kareem AI –Dulaimi
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 2, April-June 2023, pp 38-43

Author's Information
Ibtisam Kareem AI –Dulaimi1 
Corresponding Author
1College of Administration and Economics, University of, Mosul, Iraq

Article -- Peer Reviewed
First online on – 30 June 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article –Ibtisam Kareem AI –Dulaimi “The Use of Cloud Computing to Process Big Data: An Applied Study of the Virtual Library at the University of Mosul”, International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 38-43, 2023.

Several issues have arisen for investigators and informational establishments as a result of the ever-increasing amount of creative work and the wide variety of its themes, resources, and dialects. In addition to difficulties with knowledge transfer and ways to get value for all of this, there are other issues associated with the supply of storing place for knowledge and the variety of processed technology. The current study set out to gain insight on virtualization, elucidating its core concepts and the offerings it offers and the concepts it has inspired in academic libraries as well as data commons for the benefit of scholars and users alike. The researcher will employ the qualitative approach by drawing from a wide range of relevant sources, such as textbooks, papers, dissertations, and academic papers, to provide the necessary findings. The study found that informational facilities and librarians may benefit greatly from cloud applications because of the expense savings and expansion of activities they can also provide. Virtualization has several advantages, but only a small percentage of institutions have adopted them. It's challenging to adopt cutting-edge tech when there aren't enough educated personnel to manage it, however, in the not-too-distant era, many institutions will provide their services using drop box.
Index Terms:-
Models, cloud computing, services, libraries, information center
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  14. To view full paper, Download here

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