Calculations of the effect of photovoltaic renewable resources on the power generation grid continuity
Nabeel M. Samad, Faisal G. Beshaw, Intisar K. Saleh
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2023, pp 1-10
Author's Information
Nabeel M. Samad1
Corresponding Author
1M.Sc. Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Kirkuk Engineering Technical College, Northern Technical University, Iraq
Faisal G. Beshaw2
2M.Sc. Electronics and Control Engineering, Kirkuk Engineering Technical College, Northern Technical University, Iraq
Intisar K. Saleh3
3M.Sc. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kirkuk Engineering Technical College, Northern Technical University, Iraq
In order to identify these challenges and investigate the potential for solutions, it was it is vital to research and evaluate how integrating renewable energy sources into the electrical power network would affect the system. This was done to be able to address the increasing need for electrical energy as well as the ongoing integration utilize electric power systems and renewable energy sources (RES). Additionally, as the need for affordable, clean energy, such as renewable sources, has grown globally, so too has its availability. This has had an influence on the efficiency, reliability, and performance of electrical distribution networks. This study evaluated the impact of PV sources on by observing and documenting the electric power grid energy losses from acting or responding sources, as well as the grid networks' voltage variations, which resulted from The use of renewable energy sources is being integrated. Several technological aspects linked A review of the voltage output's effectiveness and quality was done. MATLAB Simulation software was used to implement the simulation model in this study. The outcomes were contrasted with the IEEE 9-bus grid standard.Index Terms:-
9-IEEE standard, MATLAB Simulink, electrical power, renewable energyREFERENCES
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