Human Behavioral Analysis Based in Facial Emotion and Gesture (Survey)
Raghad Ghalib Abd, Ameen A. Noor, Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 3: Issue 3, September 2022, pp 47-54
Author's Information
Raghad Ghalib Abd1
Corresponding Author
1Computer Science Department, College of Education, University of Almustansirya Baghdad, Iraq.
Ameen A. Noor2
2Computer Science Department, College of Education, University of Almustansirya Baghdad, Iraq.
Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim3
3Computer Science Department, College of Education, University of Almustansirya Baghdad, Iraq
This survey paper describes a number of fields in which human behavior analysis through facial gestures is applied, the various method that is utilized with the most recent technologies. Cutting-edge camera technology was used to capture images and assess a person's emotions. Human behavior is studied through facial and body gestures, and in this study, we divide human emotions into universally acknowledged expressions such as "sad," "happy," "surprised," "worried," and "liar." The limitations and benefits of competing and complementary technologies are discussed in this study, as well as the diversity of research in the area of human behavioral analysis based on face and gestures.Index Terms:-
Facial recognize, Human behavioral analysis, Human face and gesture analysis, Human facial recognition, Gesture analysisREFERENCES
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