Face Masks Using Nanotechnology

Suman Gajbhiye, Poonam Soni
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 3: Issue 3, June 2022, pp 39-43

Author's Information
Suman Gajbhiye1 
Corresponding Author
1Student, Department of Nanotechnology, CCET Bhilai, C.G.,India

Poonam Soni2
2Student, Department of Nanotechnology, CCET Bhilai, C.G.,India

Shor Review Article -- Peer Reviewed
First online on – 09 August 2022

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article –Suman Gajbhiye, Poonam Soni “Face Masks Using Nanotechnology”, International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 39-43, 2022.

In today’s times, coronavirus has been one of the biggest challenges to the healthcare community predominantly due to its high infection rate. Researchers have been successful to a great extent in the development of vaccines and understanding the evolution of the harmful virus and its mechanism of action. However, there is always a threat of new variants of the virus coming up. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for us to maintain social distancing along with the mandatory use of face protection. The use of masks is very important in preventing the transmission of the coronavirus. In recent times, nanoparticles having biocidal properties are finding increasing applications in the development of face masks. Nanomaterials have been introduced in to mask-making and various face mask designs have been extensively studied to check the filtration efficiency and breathability in addition to antiviral protection. Apart from that, the possibility of side effects on the skin and lungs as well as the environment is also being analysed. This paper presents an overview of some important properties of nanomaterials and their utilisation in making more efficient facemasks along with presenting the guidelines for using these nanomaterials for making protective equipment for fighting SARS COV-2.
Index Terms:-
nanotechnology, corona virus, facemask, nanomaterial, SARS- CoV-2.
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