A Review on Webbased Classroom Surveillance and Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometric
Abhijeet Mishra, Karan Patwa, Madhuri Parate
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 3, July 2021, pp 86-90
Author's Information
Abhijeet Mishra1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Karan Patwa, Madhuri Parate1,
1Department of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Attendance has become more important part for any organizations/institutions. Recording and monitoring of class attendance is an area of administration that can require significant amounts of time and effort in a school/university environment, largely due to the amount the time required in conferences to obtain the long-term maintenance requirement increases the difficulty of this task and is very time consuming. For this reason, an efficient system is designed. This using a fingerprint sensor and all recordings are stored on a computer server. Fingerprint sensors and OLED screens are placed at the entrance of each class room. In order to mark the presence, the student must place their finger on the fingerprint sensor. On identification student’s attendance record is updated in the database and he/she is notified through OLED screen. For the administration you need all fixed equipment and special staff. Furthermore, an automated system replaces the manual system.Index Terms:-
OLED Screen, Fingerprint Sensor, Attendance Monitoring SystemREFERENCES
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