A Survey on Transportation Crime Control System
Ruchira Selote, Pritesh Dhole, Mohit Atram, Jay Shandilkar, Rakesh Bhujbal, YashTambhaskar, Aniket Deshmukh
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 3, July 2021, pp 81-85
Author's Information
Mohit Atram2
Corresponding Author
2Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Ruchira Selote1
1Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Pritesh Dhole2, Jay Shandilkar2, Rakesh Bhujbal2, YashTambhaskar2, Aniket Deshmukh2
2Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
This article offers the study on the sophisticated technology for the Crime Control System of Transportation. It is not possible to hold the radar weapon every time for the traffic police. Different developers and researchers created numerous sorts of methods. The main objective is to investigate and determine the various types of software and hardware (apparatus) utilised for technical and analysis purposes. A highly essential problem in contemporary years is automotive automotive monitoring. It was highly essential and many systems have so far been employed. But with technological improvements, many primary bodies challenge some type of computer technology to address this issue of speed regulation. In this case, we propose a method to identify the vehicles driven beyond the speed restriction specified by the specific road or road limitations. All this is done utilising Internet Of Things technology (IOT).Index Terms:-
IoT, Smart vehicle over speeding sensor Radar gun, Image Processing, Gaining and TransferringREFERENCES
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