Smart Cab Barcode
Nandini Sham Ubale, Kamal Krishna Bandagar, Nandini Manohar Dasari, Arpita Nagnath Parde, M. M. Kulkarni
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 3, July 2021, pp 76-80
Author's Information
Nandini Sham Ubale1
Corresponding Author
1Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, India
Kamal Krishna Bandagar1, Nandini Manohar Dasari1, Arpita Nagnath Parde1
1Student,Department of Computer Engineering, A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, India
M. M. Kulkarni2
2Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, India
Cab reservation service is an important transport service offered in the city by the different transport operators. For your daily transport, the majority of people use the cab service. There are more and more taxi companies looking for integrated taxi reservation systems as the customer and the company can live much easier. Most of the online cab reservation systems are using the centralized cab reservation approach. The centralized approaches are very likely to fail. During this study, we design and implement the smart cab system based on agents for the supply of local data to passengers. A Java distributed multi agent system framework - the Java Development Framework - is used to implement and analyze the proposed approach (JADE). The results of the simulation show that our approach can address the weaknesses of the centralized approach.Index Terms:-
Smart Cab, JADE, reservation service, vehicle type, barcodeREFERENCES
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