Artificial Intelligence Based College Enquiry Chatbot
Titiksha P. Mothankar, Prajakta S. Maski, Sonal Uikey, Pragati S. Asatkar
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 2, June 2021, pp 33-37
Author's Information
Titiksha P. Mothankar1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Computer Engineering, Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Prajakta S. Maski1, Sonal Uikey1, Pragati S. Asatkar1
1Department of Computer Engineering, Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
A chat bot is supposed to start a conversation between humans and machines. The machine has integrated the knowledge to identify sentences and make a decision itself in response to a question. Chat bots will be entirely text-based. User interface through which the user can enter commands and receive text replies. Chatbots are usually services that remember previous commands to provide functionality. It can be used safely by an even larger audience when using chatbot technology. Integrated with popular web services. University research chatbots are created using artificial algorithms that analyze user requests and understand the user's message. The answer principle is to match a user's input sentence via the chat bot, without being physically available to the university for inquiries. The system analyzes the question and then answers the user. The system responds to the students' inquiries with its intelligence.Index Terms:-
Car Rental, Bike Rental, Vehicle RentalREFERENCES
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