Vehicle Rental System
Akshay Pathak, ShaktiKumar Gurum, Sonal Uikey, Shamlee Upadhye
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 2, June 2021, pp 28-32
Author's Information
Akshay Pathak1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Information Technology, Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
ShaktiKumar Gurum1, Sonal Uikey1, Shamlee Upadhye1
1Department of Information Technology, Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
The mainly aim of our project or module is to design and create such a type of software or application which will help the rental company. In this the customer will rent a vehicle with the help of admin. The customer will pay money for the given duration when he/she issued the vehicle. This will help to progress the vehicle company growth as well as the staff management. It has a user-friendly interface so can be used by anyone and in the easy way it can be used. Admin will have the opportunity to manage all vehicles for example Booking, customer issues, etc. The vehicle information will be stored in the database which can be easily deleted or updated by the administrator. If in case we need to know the details of any vehicles so it will be available into the daily reports which will be shared by admin. So, if we want to know the transaction for any vehicle at any time so it can be very easy to gather the information related to any of the vehicle it may be car, Two-wheeler, etc.Index Terms:-
Car Rental, Bike Rental, Vehicle RentalREFERENCES
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