Using wireless sensor network for monitoring and controlling of farm
Rohini Pochhi, Sandeep Thakre, Balwant Bansod
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2021, pp 22-25
Author's Information
Balwant Bansod
Corresponding Author
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
Rohini Pochhi, Sandeep Thakre
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
Agriculture is most important business for any country. Agriculture has to face many complications like changing soil quality, water shortage, changing climate, etc. Due to the increasing in population demand for cereals and other crops for daily usage by the customers is also increased so there is a need for smarter implementation of irrigation and also develop farming methods that lessen human efforts and alter the basic eco systems this is less harmful to other creatures too. India is one of highest farming dependent county and generating countries all over the world. At the same time, India is facing the challenge of farmers committing suicide because of crop failure and liability. Most of the land in India are reserved for farming. Still there exists several places that uses primitive methods for irrigation, fertilization etc. This paper discusses the design and development of an IoT based module that assist farmers to improvise their methods of farming and also make the best use of their land for a better income. The main goal line of this IoT module is to sense agriculture parameter and advice farmers to properly grow and treat the crops. Also, in this assignment we are going to implement a irrigation control i.e. motor control through android app. To avoid animal intrusion flasher are also going to implement in the field. This will reduce human efforts.Index Terms:-
WIFI, Database, LM-35, Xbee, Bluetooth.REFERENCES
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