Monitoring health parameter of remotely located patient
Rohini Pochhi, Sandeep Thakre, Mansi Gurve
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2021, pp 18-21
Author's Information
Mansi Gurve
Corresponding Author
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
Rohini Pochhi, Sandeep Thakre
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
As we know in this pandemic situation social distancing is key to be safe. So, we have to keep safe distance in every situation whether it’s working site or in providing service to people. For this situation most important service required by the people is medical. So, we have to style a module which help hospitals to provide implementation to this problem. By keeping this situation in mind project for hospital is going to design. Basically, in this project we are going to measure and monitor the heath parameter of patient like temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, blood sugar level etc. Those sensed value will be either send directly to controller (Arduino) or will be added to GUI and then send to controller. Then this value will be sent over WIFI network and store in database so that those value can be access whenever patient has appointment by doctor’s side system. By implementing this project no Doctor or patient will have direct interaction, to avoid spreading of dangerous virus. Advantage of this system is that Dr. can access patient health parameter at any time and can medicate his patient.Index Terms:-
WIFI, Database, LM-35, Xbee, Bluetooth.REFERENCES
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