Design and Development of Solar Powered Compost Bin – A Review
Rohini Pochhi, Rakhi Chede, Sandeep Thakare
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2021, pp 1-5
Author's Information
Rakhi Chede
Corresponding Author
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
Rohini Pochhi, Sandeep Thakare
Department of Electronics & Communication, Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
Due to the waste generated in any country or in our India, various problems such as about pollution or about human's health are arrived. And we know that the amount of waste generation is widely increased day by day. For that it should be necessary to manage the waste in any way. So, there are various methods for management of waste. And the better one is composting at houses. Everyone should have to know about composting, because of which wastes can be properly managed. The compost bin with some new way and new idea is introduced by 'Design and Development of Solar Powered Compost Bin'. This system makes it user friendly, maintenance free and nature friendly with the help of solar energy which is cost effective also. The process of composting is done with an organic waste which are biodegradable wastes that are generally produced by kitchen wastes, solid wastes etc. The approach of this project is to manage the waste with new technologies and knowledge of composting.Index Terms:-
composting, compost bin, solar energy, biodegradable, organic wastes, technologiesREFERENCES
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