Voice Control Elevator for Prevention of Physical Touch
Archana L. Rane, Nikhil Patil
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 1: Issue 4, December 2020, pp 95-100
Author's Information
Archana L. Rane1
Corresponding Author
1Department of MCA, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Nikhil Patil2
2Department of MCA, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Nowadays, usage of the elevator is very common everywhere in out day to day life. The main aim of elevator is to transport the things like person or goods in fraction of seconds. As it has number of advantages so we prefer to use elevator. But as you know, corona virus is spreading all over the world; it is important and mandatory to take precaution by individual and we are sure our propose system help you out in this. The existing elevators can be used by pressing floor number as per needs. These elevators cannot be used by paralyzed, blind and physically challenged persons. In this paper we proposed voice control to elevator to prevent a physical touch as we all as all types of user can be used it easily. We used Arduino Uno ATmega328P microcontroller, Bluetooth module HC-05 and Motor driver unit with Android application. The speech recognition system provides the communication mechanism between the user and the Arduino based elevator control mechanism. We used of a DC motor for moving the elevator based on the voice/speech commands given by the user from mobile application. Its process the data and the result are generated in form of according to the user choices; that is elevator is moves upside or downside.Index Terms:-
Elevator Automation, Voice Recognition, Wireless Technology, Arduino and BluetoothREFERENCES
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