Difference between AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols Using NS2 Simulation
Monali P. Khobragade, Bharti D. Sayare, Dipika B. Channawar
Volume 1: Issue 2, Revised on – 30 June 2020, pp 85-88
Author's Information
Monali P. Khobragade1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology and Research, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Bharti D. Sayare2, Dipika B. Channawar3
2,3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology and Research, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Now day while data transmission, security is one of the major issues for data transmission over wireless networks. Existing system utilizes security algorithm for secured data transmission over networks, but in proposed system, security is achieved without any use of security algorithm. Existing work on secure data transmission includes the designs of many security algorithms and system infrastructures. Proposed System will secure data transmission to dynamically route packets between each source and destination. For data transmission, different protocols i.e. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV) will be utilized which will maintain the routing table of the network. This system will be utilizing 'mobility cluster head' instead of security algorithms for data transmission over wireless networks. 'Mobility Cluster Head' will contain the information of each node within a wireless network and if any unauthorized node will try to hack the information then 'Mobility Cluster Head' or Global Inspector (GI) will try to secure the configured network from the unidentified attackers. Also, we will try to implement different network that uses AODV, and DSDV for wireless network, finally we are conclude which protocol is efficient for secured data transmission without any use of security algorithm.Index Terms:-
Secured data transmission, Dynamic routing protocol (AODV, DSDV), Mobility Cluster Head or Global Inspector (GI), Mobile Ad-hoc network.REFERENCES
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