3D Password for More Secure Authentication for Smart Phone
Snehal S. Pohane and Sudhir W. Mohod
Volume 1: Issue 2, Revised on – 30 June 2020, pp 70-74
Author's Information
Snehal S. Pohane1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Computer Science & Engineering Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering Sewagram, Wardha, India
Sudhir W. Mohod2
2Department of Computer Science & Engineering Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering Sewagram, Wardha, India
Authentication on mobile devices is not (and should not be) the same as on desktop and laptop computers. Since past few years there has been a remarkable rise in the popularity of touch screen mobile phone devices. With respect to the data and information that can be stored on the mobiles as well as mobiles are nowadays are also used for accessing mail and connecting to social media so it is necessary to ensure the security of the data and information that is stored on the mobiles. User authentication is an important security measure for protecting the information stored on the mobile phone devices. When user enters their password in public place then it can be capture by attacker by direct observation or by recording the user’s authentication session. This attack is known as Shoulder surfing attack. In this paper, we present a 3-D password for more secure authentication for smart phone. The 3D Password is multi-factor and multi password authentication techniques that consist of 3D virtual environment containing real time object scenarios.Index Terms:-
Authentication, Graphical password, Multi-factor, Textual password, 3D Password, 3D Virtual environment.REFERENCES
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