Design and Development of Coin Based Mobile Charger using Solar Energy
Kalyani U. Chafle, B. M. Faruk, R. S. Shrivas
Volume 1: Issue 2, Revised on – 30 June 2020, pp 52-55
Author's Information
Kalyani U. Chafle1
Corresponding Author
1Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering & Technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.
B. M. Faruk2, R. S. Shrivas3
2,3Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering & Technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.
The mobile phones are play’s vital role in the present communication. The coin-based mobile battery charger developed in this paper for providing a distinctive service to the rural public where grid power is not available for partial/full daytime and a source of revenue for site providers. This can be quickly and easily installed outside any business premises. This type of charger will be very useful for the public people; many times, the battery becomes flat in the middle of the conversation in particularly at inconvenient times when access to a standard charger isn’t possible. The power supply for the charger is determined from solar power and current supply. When we put a coin, the coin detector detects the coin and the input is given to the controller. MOSFET acts as the switch in the circuit. This circuit can be placed in public places such as Bus stands, Railway stations, Hospitals.Index Terms:-
MOSFET, Mobile Phones, Solar Panel, Battery Charger.REFERENCES
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